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Welcome to the DC branch of Guitars Not Guns. We are an organization that provides free guitar classes, guitars and youth mentorship for students in underserved communities throughout Washington, DC.

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Using music as a catalyst, we encourage creativity and personal development in young people. We provide youth positive alternatives to potentially negative influences, engage their creative potential, and encourage growth and social engagement in communities.
— Guitars not Guns —

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About us

Guitars not Guns provides children and teens eight-weeks of guitar lessons at community centers and schools around the country — and upon passing the final exam, students get to keep their guitars and are invited for a level two course the following semester.

Our goal is to provide music programs for at-risk teens and other deserving children. Through music and the arts, we hope to give youth positive alternatives to potentially negative influences, engage their creative potential, and encourage growth and social engagement in communities.


The Founders

Guitars Not Guns, Inc. is a California-based non-profit founded by Ray and Louise Nelson, who made a decision to provide foster kids with guitars and lessons when they became foster parents themselves in 1992.

Through the kindness and generosity of friends and strangers, donated guitars were passed along to foster children — and this act of kindness became Ray and Louise’s passion as they grew their charity organization to serve underserved communities across the United States and Canada.

On June 27, 2000, Guitars Not Guns became a federally exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and has since grown significantly to include chapters across the United States and Canada. We are an all-volunteer organization, and our programs are provided at no cost to our students. All donations are tax deductible. (Please visit the national organization’s website at www.GuitarsNotGuns.org)

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